Sirius Technologies at Money 20/20 Asia

Bangkok | 23 - 25 April 2024

Sirius Technologies at Money 20/20 Asia

We’re looking forward to seeing you at Money 20/20 Asia in Bangkok. It’s our first time participating and we are excited!

Come find us at the Startups’ Hangout Area and meet with our team.

Learn about how Sirius Technologies works with banks and financial institutions to modernise their legacy IT systems and create next-gen digital financial services at scale with lower risk, lower costs and faster time to market.

The future is composable. Let us help you succeed in this new era of Fintech.

Sytze Koolen
Sytze Koolen
Senior Advisor
Sirius Technologies

Day 1

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | 11:10 am | Pathways Stage


The Future Is Composable: How Businesses Will Compete in a New FinTech Era

Have you noticed the following trends in the past few years: containerisation, orchestration, no/low-code, multi-cloud, workflow automation, and embedded finance? These point to a much bigger trend: composable architecture. This is a design approach where systems are built from interchangeable, modular components with defined interfaces. It promotes flexibility, scalability, and ease of maintenance with components that can be easily composed, replaced, and reused. With the rapid pace of change in technology, composable thinking gives you the edge to quickly respond to market needs without compromising system reliability.

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